
SEO Image Optimizer...
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SEO Image Optimizer App

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(originally posted on 7/30/17 in Slack)


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I had recommended this app previously in this channel and just wanted to let everyone know a heads-up about the app, in case you are using it.

This app has not been AUTOMATICALLY updating the ALT tags on my shop in over 8 months. I know of several other shops here in this group where the app is also not working for them automatically. The app DOES work, but several of us are having to go to the app in our Shopify dashboard to re-sync the app manually once a week, or as needed. I also know of one shop where this app is still working as it is supposed to - so not sure why it isn't working for everyone.

Several of us have contacted the developer, but none of us have heard back from them.

I am keeping this app installed in my shop (at least at this time), but I am going in and manually syncing the app weekly. If you are using this app, just be aware that it might not automatically work as it is supposed to, and that you may also have to manual sync the app.

IF I hear anything back from the developer regarding this issue, I will post more information here.

"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."
