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You may have noticed that all the posts here in this new Forum are dated November 2018.

The reason for that is - I created this Forum here about a week ago, and have been working hard at copying and pasting information that WAS in our Slack Help Group, here to the new Forum. 

This Forum space has no limitations as to how many posts we create - where our Slack group is capped at 10,000 posts. In an effort to save all the important posts that were in our Slack group, I am posting them here. 

My hope is to:

  • Make things EASIER to find here in the Forum - just use the Forum Search or browse through the various "channels" here to find the help and information you need.
  • To organize the help information we've accumulated over the years in ONE place - again to make it easier for everyone. 
  • To provide a new "home" for all the shops that are either in development mode or have launched from development mode to be able to continue providing help and support, all while keeping everyone in one place - here on TheDrawingBoard3 website.

I am dedicated to helping YOU succeed with your Shopify website! I believe using this Forum space (versus our current home on Slack) will benefit everyone in the long term. 

If you have questions, comments, or suggestions about this new Forum space, please click the Reply link below and share. 🙂 

"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."
