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Bulk Editing

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We've talked a lot about changing titles and meta descriptions in the SEO Preview area of your listing pages. I know some of you are working on making improvements to your listings. Did you know you can do that using the Bulk Editor?

Many people don't realize that Shopify has a built-in bulk editor for product listings. Instead, they purchase apps to do this. But there really is no need. :slightly_smiling_face:

Here is one way you can use the bulk editor to improve your listing titles and meta descriptions.

What To Do:

  1. From your Shopify Dashboard, click on Products, then All Products
  2. Check the check boxes next to all the products you want to edit (or even all the products in your store).
    TIP: You can do a search for the products you want to filter them out before you start selecting the check boxes.
  3. Once you have the products you want to bulk edit, click the Edit Products button to get into the bulk editor
  4. Click the Add Fields down-down list and choose Page Title, Meta Description, and URL.
    TIP: Remove any other fields that might already be there, or add any additional fields you need to edit. See screenshot below.
  5. Review all your products and make any edits needed


Additional Tip:

  • You can use the bulk editor to edit blog posts and pages, as well.

I hope you find this helpful!


"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."
