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Forum Registration [Please Read]

1 Posts
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Joined: 7 years ago
Posts: 419
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I'm happy you found TheDrawingBoard3 website!

I've worked hard at making this website (and this new Forum) be a helpful resource for merchants that are just getting started with a website on Shopify - especially for Etsy shop owners who are making the transition. I hope you take some time to explore ALL the information that's here (there's a lot of good stuff)!


The Forum

While this website is open to anyone, the Forum is a bonus for the clients of TheDrawingBoard3 - merchants who are either still in website development as a client, or who have already launched their websites from development through TheDrawingBoard3. Think of it as a one-on-one resource to ask questions, seek advice, and learn more about how you can grow your Shopify store - with me as your guide and mentor. 🙂 


Open to Read

Not a client of mine? No worries!

While the Forum is only open to my clients to participate, anyone can benefit from the public information that has been shared here! Even IF the information is set to read-only for the public. I highly encourage you to explore the Forum (in addition to this website) to find answers to questions you might have. 


Want to Participate?

Because I want to see all merchants succeed with their Shopify websites, I ALSO lead a Facebook Help Group that anyone can participate in! I'd love to have you join us there, where you can ask questions and get answers. Here is a link to our Facebook Help Group - Etsy to Shopify, All About Shopify and Ecommerce

Haven't started with Shopify yet, and interested in becoming a client? Click Sign-Up Today! and I'll help you get started! You'll also receive an invitation to participate in this Forum.

Have fun exploring!


"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."
