(originally posted on 10/20/17 on Slack)
I've been using Evernote for quite some time (you can find a link to that tool here in the Free Tools forum), but I just recently discovered Google Keep.
I've been using this free note-taking tool to jot notes when planning social media, adding quick reminder notes, to do lists, and more. It's a really slick tool - and it's free!
I like the "Send to Panel" option that keeps your notes open in a separate panel (versus a browser tab). It's a very quick and easy tool to use, good for someone who doesn't want to take the time to learn Evernote or OneNote.
Give it a try!
Link - https://www.google.com/keep/
And the Chrome Extension - https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/panel-view-for-keep/jccocffecajimkdjgfpjhlpiimcnadhb
"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."