This handy tool creates a quick QR code that you can use on business cards and other printed material. When customers scan your QR code, they'll be taken to your website, sales page, or whatever destination you choose.
"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."
2aemporium [1 year ago]
jaydee: Could you give me a scenario that I would use this for social media? Thank you.
"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."
(originally posted on 6/24/17 on Slack)
jaydee [1 year ago]
@2aemporium - I think there are a lot of creative ways a QR code can be used. I have been using them since I opened my Etsy shop in 2011 in a wide variety of ways.
One way you could use a QR code for social media is to have the code directed to an announcement - such as new product listings on Facebook; or to your Instagram profile to encourage people to follow you there; or direct people to your blog for an important announcement or contest or discount. The possibilities are endless!
A tip - I like to use different QR codes in different places, all landing on the same URL. This way, I can track exactly which QR code is generating the most traffic. Once I know that, I can determine which method of advertising is getting the most scans. I use Google Analytics Campaign Tracking for this.
"If it isn't working the way you're doing it, do it a different way."